Wyse Redefines Desktop Virtualization With a Ground-Breaking Zero Client … – MarketWatch (press release)

Wyse Redefines Desktop Virtualization With a Ground-Breaking Zero Client …
MarketWatch (press release)
The Wyse portfolio includes industry-leading thin, zero and cloud PC client solutions with advanced management, desktop virtualization and cloud software supporting desktops, laptops and next generation mobile devices. Cloud client computing replaces …
Wyse Showcases Latest Innovations in Mobile Cloud Services and Cloud Client …Technology Digital (press release)

all 21 news articles

Welcome, IPad HD: Office Equipment Star?

With the iPad 3 (or is it iPad HD) about to strike, a series of recently statistics — disclosed in a wonderfully timely fashion — illustrates just how much impact Steve Jobs‘s “Post PCApple device is having upon enterprise users. Indeed, in the majority of cases, they wouldn’t choose to use a tablet made by anyone else.